What? : Artisanal, committed, and sustainable bakery
Where? : Cours Saleya 06000 Nice
When? : Wednesday to Sunday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
How Much? : Sweet specialties €1.90 - €4.50 / Quiche €4 / Bread €10.50 - €15 per kg / Panettone €36 - €48
Transportation? : Tram 1 arrêt Opéra, parking Saleya, parking Corvésy
More informations? : 04 93 57 67 82
A link? : Click-here

Mauro Colagreco, a committed chef and advocate for biodiversity, has set up a bakery stand in the heart of Vieux Nice. Breads made from ancient wheat grown through organic farming and delicious specialties crafted with a focus on taste, health, and environmental respect.