What? : Asian street-food
Where? : 29 avenue Romain Rolland 06100 Nice
When? : Monday > Saturday from 11:00 to 14:30 and 18:00 to 21:30
How Much? : Crazy beef €13 / Udon tuna €16 / Banh-mi chicken €7 / Dessert €3 / Much menu, Main dish + drink + €1
Transportation? : Tramway, Borriglione
More informations? : 06 31 34 59 63
A link? : Click-here

It is classic Vietnamese street food; the banh-mi - the famous well-stocked sandwich - is one of the specialties that Polain (Mr Pô) and Caroline wanted to reinvent. (Very) good and (very) fresh!

By Louise Ballongue / Photos Louise Ballongue & Mr