What? : Vegetarian Restaurant
Where? : 17 rue Benoît Bunico 06300 Nice
When? : Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 12:00 to 14:30 / Thursday and Friday 12:00 to 14:30 and 18:30 to 22:30
How Much? : Starters €7.50 - €9.50 / Main dishes €14.50 / Dessert €7.00 / Glass of wine €4.50
Transportation? : Tram 1, Opéra-Vielle Ville / Parking Saleya
More informations? : 04 93 55 32 50
A link? : Click-here

For vegetarian cuisine full of inventiveness and flavour, follow chef Laure Silfest to this address in Old Nice where the seasons and the market inspire a gourmet menu.

By Anne Emellina