What? : Italian restaurant & Mozzarella Bar
Where? : 9 rue Boyer 06300 Nice
When? : Tuesday > Saturday from 12:00 to 15.00 and 10:00 to 00:00
How Much? : Focaccia €11 / cheese and ham €14 / mozzarella €10 / dishes €12-€18 / dessert €6 / glass of wine €6
Transportation? : Tram 1, Garibaldi / parking des Arts
More informations? : 06 03 97 95 75
A link? : Click-here

The first love - or Primo Amore - is that of Mamma and her unique cuisine. It is also the first project of Maxime and Martin; where the products from excellent Italian producers meet on the plate. Simple and tasty cuisine featuring mozzarella.

By Anne Emellina