What? : Restaurant & Pizzeria
Where? : 1 rue de la Préfecture 06300 Nice
When? : Tuesday > Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00 and 19:00 to 22:00
How Much? : Pizza €15 / Dish €9-€18 / Dessert €7 / Wine by the glass €5-€10
Transportation? : Tram 1, Opéra-Vieille Ville / parking, Corvésy
More informations? : 09 73 60 49 82
A link? : Click-here

"It seems that Armand Crespo has opened a pizzeria?" they say in Nice. What, a pizza restaurant! Well not exactly, rather a new place where the key word is "contemporary". From the seven Capital Pizzas to the daring toppings, through the slate dishes and the decor, everything is undeniably modern and creative.

By Anne Emellina