What? : Artisanal Brasserie and events space
Where? : 18 Chemin de Saquier 06200 Nice
When? : Saturday, 12:00 - 18:00 / Thursday and Friday evening for afterwork and by rendez vous
How Much? : Entrée libre / Demi 3 €, Pinte 5 €, Soft 3 €, Pack 6 à emporter 18 € Free entry / half €3, pint €5, soft drinks €3, six-pack €18
Transportation? : Sncf station - Saint Isidore
A link? : Click-here

This new craft brewery, located in the Eco-Valley between the motorway and the Bellet hills, skilfully combines rigour and Anglo-Saxon hi-tech knowhow with the idleness of the Riviera.