What? : Pétanque concept store (boules and accessories, textile collection, objects)
Where? : 4 rue Alexandre Mari 06300 Nice
When? : Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 AM to 7:30 PM
How Much? : OBUT triplette of boules for 79 € / leather boule carrier for 55 € / T-shirts from 20 to 35 €
Transportation? : Tram L1 towards Pasteur Hospital, stop at Opéra - Vieille Ville
More informations? : 04 93 91 97 58
A link? : Click-here

To point or to shoot? Ah, the eternal dilemma of boules enthusiasts! One thing is certain: La Boulisterie has made a splendid move by opening its new boutique dedicated to pétanque and the French art of living in Old Nice.